Veterinary Referral

As a Provisional* Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB) of the Association of Pet Behaviour Councillors (APBC), I only take on new dogs requiring behaviour management after a referral from a registered veterinarian. There may be an underlying medical reason for the dog’s behavioural problem, such as pain or disease, and it is important to rule this out in the first instance before undertaking behaviour modification.

No referral is necessary for dog training and puppy packages.

How to submit a veterinary referral:

A veterinary referral can be in the form of an email to me from the vet with a brief summary of the issue:

Alternatively, the vet can complete the online form:

*As a Provisional CAB Member of the APBC, I have demonstrated that I have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). I am now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a Full Member of the APBC. The APBC supports its Provisional Members undertaking behaviour consultations.