How to find a qualified dog behaviourist.
An unregulated industry
In the UK, canine behavioural treatment is unregulated and can be carried out by anyone. Yes, absolutely anyone! I was quite shocked when I first became aware of this. You yourself could advertise your services online as a dog behaviourist today, with no qualifications whatsoever. Scary isn’t it!
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
At the moment in the UK, behaviour treatment does not fall under the terms of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. This Act states that the umbrella term of veterinary surgery includes diagnosis, advice and treatments of diseases and injuries, medical and surgical treatment and surgical operations, but not behaviour treatment.
However, what this Act does do is limit the activities which may be carried out by those who are not qualified and registered veterinary surgeons. As a result, canine behaviourists are not permitted to make a diagnosis or offer any medical treatment. They are allowed to identify potential involvement of some form of medical issue that can be raised for discussion with a vet, but the medical management of behavioural cases, including the use of psychoactive medication, is the sole responsibility of vets.
Gold Bar Standard
The industry itself recognises that this lack of regulation is a major problem and a number of organisations, such as the Association of Pet Behavioural Counsellors (APBC) in the UK, are filling the gap of professional institutes and setting a gold-bar standard and code of practice by which members must adhere to.
However, there are still many individuals advertising themselves as Dog Behaviourists that may be unqualified and lack the relevant experience to offer valuable assistance to behavioural cases.
Look out for qualifications and professional membership
It is therefore critically important for dog owners seeking behavioural support to choose a behaviourist that holds appropriate qualifications. Don’t be afraid to ask to see qualifications. All qualified behaviourists understand this predicament and will appreciate that you are only doing your research.
Your vet will also be able to advise on a trusted Clinical Animal Behaviourist in your area and will do a referral for you.
Veterinary Referral
Getting a veterinary referral for my behaviour services is so straight forward. Ask your vet to click on my vets page and fill out the simple form.